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Strengths Weaknesses
1. Educational training program spanning 22 years: Chuna medicine academy
2. Extensive human resource pool: 20+ professors with 100+ committee members on the board of education
3. Academic journal: KCI (Korea Citation Index) registration candidate journal with independently run publishing company
4. Executive office with 3 full-time staff
1. Shortage in number of specialized researchers in the area of specialty subject study
2. Paucity of hospital-based clinical research
3. Restriction in licensure regarding use of conventional medication, surgical interventions, and diagnostic devices
4. Insufficient integration between Korean Medicine and manual medicine
Opportunities Threats
1. Increase in number of educational/training applicants from anticipation surrounding inclusion of Chuna in national health insurance coverage list as of 2018
2. Growth in number of members entailing potential budget increase
3. Strong demand for establishment of Chuna Manual Medicine for Spine and Nerves as a specialty subject for Korean medicine specialists
1. Stagnation in growth of medical service of the Korean medicine profession
2. Weakened centralization and communications due to rapid increase in number of society members
3. Lack in understanding and acceptance of the concept and methodology of evidence-based practice